Thursday, April 14, 2011

Night97: Hurt Enough To Die

Story Title: Hurt Enough To Die
Author:  Night97
Reviewer: daniela501

Title 3/5
Wasn’t that much related since Key was the one hurt, but the story was, like, more focused on Jonghyun’s act. So maybe you should have given the title about loving someone so much that the person can give up his own life. J

Foreword/Description 6/10
You didn’t provide a well-structured description and foreword. Also, it seemed like you have interchanged the two.

Originality (Plot and Character Personalities) 14/15
You gave the characters a new personality, especially Minho and it’s a good thing that there’s something new for the readers.

Flow 9/10
It was good how you made Key realize that he should have given Jonghyun a chance to explain. The flow wasn’t too fast and too slow. The timing of Minho coming to Jonghyun’s house was great. ;)

Writing Style 18/20
You’re writing style is good and it is easy for the readers to understand who is speaking. Keep on using that style.

Grammar 20/25
Here are some of the grammar/spelling mistakes I found in your story.

That you have been doing this fro the 3 years we've been dating?
=for the past 3 years we’ve been dating
they were just waiing for the proper time to arrive
but some things happen and he found out
"I-I'll g-give another ch-chance"
=To whom are you giving that other chance?
=I’ll give you another chance.
I'll only love you
=I’ll love only you.
=Because you want to say that he is the only one you will love.
=In your sentence, it’s like saying that you’ll feel only love towards him. You won’t feel hatred or joy or anything else towards him.

Overall Enjoyment 14/15
The story is good and catchy. It’s so emotional and captures the hearts of the readers.

Bonus Points 2
Well written, good plot and catchy.

Total Score: 86/100

Reviewer’s Note:
I hope you are contented with the grade I gave you ^^

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